With a lady-like devotion, she sails the bitter ocean. If it wasn't for lovesick sailors, there'd be nothing left but flotsam singing “Why me? Oh my, is there a better man than I, I hope you find your way back home before you're lying high and dry, I hope you find your way back home before you die.”
Her sails blow like bubbles while you sip your daily doubles, if she wasn't so fond of the weather, she might give the deckhands trouble singing “Why me? Oh my, is there a better man than I, I hope you find your way back home before you're lying high and dry, I hope you find your way back home before you die.”
One day when I grew older and I found I could not hold her, she took on a fine young skipper who soon run her up on a boulder singing “Why me? Oh my, is there a better man than I, I hope you find your way back home before you're lying high and dry, I hope you find your way back home before you die.”
Now the pleasures of the harbor don't include a lady barber, if it wasn't for Long John Silver, all of us pirates would've been martyrs singing “Why me? Oh my, is there a better man than I, I hope you find your way back home before you're lying high and dry, I hope you find your way back home before you're lying high and dry, I hope you find your way back home before you die.