Página inicial > L > LOGinHDi > Doomsday



Why do dark skies stay?
You only want to go, when I say hey
There's nothing left below where there's doomsday
I only want to go, I only want to go

Why do dark skies stay?
You only want to go, when I say hey
There's nothing left below where there's doomsday
I only want to go, I only want to go! (go)
Why do dark skies stay?
You only want to go, when I say hey
There's nothing left below where there's doomsday
I only want to go, I only want to go

Cheer and then you may have left me all alone until I pay
But where do you when there is doomsday?
I never want to go, I never want to go

Why do dark skies stay?
You only want to go, when I say hey
There's nothing left below where there's doomsday
I never want to go, I never want to go! (go)

Why do dark skies stay?
You only want to go, when I say hey
There's nothing left below where there's doomsday
I never want to go, I never want to

Compositor: Logan Kinnaird

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