Mark Ambor
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Good To Be

Mark Ambor


Maybe I'm not some chosen one
But, damnit, I'm my father's son
And that's something I'm pretty proud to be

The colder days have drawn their guns
The warmer days are on the run
And I hate that I'm stuck right in between

I'll turn my grey skies blue
Just tryna be like you

Going top down in that old Mercedes
Music loud, go ahead and hate me
Spare the nickel, I'll just keep the dime

Find ways to cut the fat
Hot coffee and a Trident pack
Damn it, it's so good to be alive

Heroes come to save a mess
You sewed the holes inside my chest
And found a way to soak up all the stains

Got all my anger bottled up
A drop away to fill that cup
But any more and I might go insane

Oh, I'll turn my gray skies blue
Just tryna be like you

Going top down in that old Mercedes
Music loud, go ahead and hate me
Spare the nickel, I'll just keep the dime

Find ways to cut the fat
Hot coffee and a Trident pack
Dammit, it's so good to be alive

Dammit, it's so good to be alive

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