Monday Riders
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Darkest Night

Monday Riders

Monday Riders

I hear a whisper
Coming from within
There's nothing I can do

Tainted by the dark
And by the fear that grows inside

You know that thing is coming for you
You can pray if you want

Because there's nowhere to run
And every second counts for your life in
The Darkest Night

I heard a whisper
But I felt like
It's close to me

It's out of my sight
Could it be a joke from my mind?
Could I look behind?

I'll lose my mind and control
There's nothing to say now
It brings the shadow I know
There's no escape for me now

Under the light of a pallid star
My soul is diving to nowhere

With no mercy and nothing to lose
My heart is ready to explode
I stay alone

I'll lose my mind and control
There's nothing to say now
It brings the shadow I know
There's no escape for me now

I'll lose my mind and control
There's nothing to say now
It brings the shadow I know
There's no escape for me now

When the thoughts are so sparse
Many questions ring in my mind

When the night fades
My fears will sleep
I need to carry on
Soon they will return
Getting worse over time
I'm driving crazy

I'll lose my mind and Control
There's nothing to say now
It brings the shadow I know
There's no escape for me now

(I heard a whisper)
I'll lose my mind and Control
(It's close to me)
There's nothing to say now
(I heard a whisper)
It brings the shadow I know
There's no escape for me now

Compositores: Fred Sansaloni, Jairo Resenrods, Marco Fragola, Wagner Felix, Paulo Meneses,

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