Página inicial > Post-Rock > M > Mono > Slimcea girl

Slimcea girl


Formica Blues

[ Coming with me ]

As she walked down the street
The rain began to fall
He called out
But she passed on by
Like she never noticed him at all

Then the words of the song
Remind her of those days
Sees herself in the face of a stranger
Sat in a Station Road Cafe

She remembers the day
When things were going her way
Only memories remain of

The way she used to be
Way she used to be

She stays home every night
And exagerates her past
Now he knows
That slimcea girl
And she lives alone in Prozac Park

All the old photographs
Were never thrown away
She looks through them
For what made her cry
And then she decides live for today

She remembers the day
When things were going her way
Only memories remain of

The way she used to be
Way she used to be

Sample :
Why don't you come to me ?
I'll come with you

The way she used to be
Way she used to be

She'll never go back again
The way she used to be
Way she used to be
She'll never go back again

Compositores: Martin Charles Virgo (Virgo Martin), Jon Carter
ECAD: Obra #6755876

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