Nada Surf

X Is You

Nada Surf

Let me tell you a secret, I lose the point
And all the meaning, I stare at the ceiling
But I turn it around, I turn it around
That's what I do, I turn it around

Shake the trouble from your eyes
Shake the freeze from your insides
It's already half-way great
There are no mistakes

You're fighting the wrong fight
Still reversing an old slight
I don't wanna be, don't wanna be
I don't wanna be, don't wanna be
Still flying the first kite
Still riding the first bike

The world is telling me something
I think it might be true
It says x is you
The world is telling me something
And I know what to do
I think x is you

I checked my way down a list
In a magazine
Every box I ticked
Every box was me
Result was clinically depressed
Clear as day
Not what I wanna hear
It's not what I'm gonna say

Shake the trouble from your eyes
Shake the freeze from your insides
It's already halfway great
There are no mistakes

Shake the trouble from your eyes
Shake the freeze from your insides
It's already halfway great
There are no mistakes

Shake the trouble from your eyes
Shake the freeze from your insides
It's already halfway great
There are no mistakes

Compositores: Daniel Lorca, Ira Elliot, Louie Lino, Matthew Caws

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