Página inicial > Rock > N > NEW EGO > I Keep Riding

I Keep Riding


Out of Stock

Sometimes I feel like a child
But I can't stand to take this world
Gotta leave it for a while

There's just some days
That hit you like a stone
And they make you feel like you are done

I keep riding
No matter how the horse feels
I keep going
Whatever I feel
I'm not done yet
There's a lot that I will get
Cause I know I'm not like this no

Since I was born I learned how to cry
But only now that I grew up I figured out why

Everyday, everything is the same
You work hard only to put out that flame

I keep riding
No matter how the horse feels
I keep going
Whatever I feel
I'm not done yet
There's a lot that I will get
Cause I know I'm not like this no

I keep riding
No matter how the horse feels
I keep going
Whatever I feel
I'm not done yet
There's a lot that I will get
Cause I know I'm not like this no

I keep riding
No matter how the horse feels
I keep going
Whatever I feel
I'm not done yet
There's a lot that I will get
Cause I know I'm not like this no

Compositor: Hugo Nunes / Joaquim Atallah Haun / Samuel Aguiar / Matheus Carvalho.

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