Para este vídeo, diferente de "Black Summer", os californianos apostaram em uma grande produção, dirigida por Malia James. No clipe, o vocalista Anthony Kiedis vive um homem que é flagrado por um policial roubando uma loja.
A partir daí, inicia-se uma perseguição de tirar o fôlego, seguindo o ritmo da música. Flea, John e Chad também participam da história, mas fazendo papéis secundários.
Veja o clipe de "These Are The Ways" com a letra a seguir:
"These Are The Ways"
Make me a fist
Purple Mountain road that I can't miss
Have we all had enough?
Have we all had too much?
Lost in a dream
Please step down from your bully machine
Can we all back it up?
Can we all give it up?
These are the ways when you come from America
The sights, the sounds, the smells
These are the ways when you come from America
I don't want to die and she's gonna take good care of ya
I just wan to thrive and there's gonna be hysteria
Don't be late
Walk us through the Golden Gate, yeah
Bruce and George
Singing for their own reward
Take me inside
Twenty-three windows and it's gonna be a long ride
All had enough?
Have we all had too much?
Sing me the blues
Cowgirl's tight in her basketball shoes
Can we all back it up?
Can we all give it up?
These are the ways when you come from America
The sights, the sounds, the smells
These are the ways when you come from America
I don't want to die and she's gonna take good care of ya
I just wan to thrive and there's gonna be hysteria
Don't be late
Walk us through the Golden Gate, yeah
Bruce and George
Singing for their own reward