Mother holds the schemes of a life to be In the matrix mind you will have to roam Tripping over selective memory Down a channel that runs alone
Glass membranes give birth to atomic spines Be a part of the plan or return to dust Feel observed cause mother knows where you hide Did you look at the big eye set for us
Technocarnivore mothermouth March past on conveyors Technocarnivore mothermouth Feed the craze of your soldiers
Load a bliss and trade your identity Mother's making slaves of the mouths to feed Have you lost your sense of humanity Mother eats your soul with the jaws of greed
Match the wave when you sense the crave Fear the fangs of voracity Feel the lust of the big machine That drinks the blood of your fantasies
Technocarnivore mothermouth
Fibroid pipelines give you sustenance A fly caught in the web is your meal today Hungry warhead jawbones wait behind Ready set to bite when you run away