One True Pairing
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One True Pairing

One True Pairing

Never seen it in my short life
Thought it was something I would never find

Two lives entwined
Star crossed and I would never
Forsake this love we've found
Bound forever

And I'm not some kind of white knight
I was burnin' all my hope and all my life

Two lives entwined
Star crossed and I would never
Forsake this love we've found
Bound forever
You and I want the same thing
Lookin' in the wrong places
Heaven of our own makin'
One true pairing

And I believe the things I saw
And we wear these scars like silver

For all the teeth and all the claws
Two lives entwined
Star crossed and I would never
Forsake this love we've found
Bound forever
You and I want the same thing
Lookin' in the wrong places
Heaven of our own makin'
One true pairing

Be still, my beating heart, be still
'Cause I always have and I always will
Be still, my beating heart, be still
'Cause I always have and I always will
'Cause I always have and I always will
All the joy being, all the joy being

You fear nothing
'Cause you always knew it'd end this way
One space, one time, we share
One true pairing

You and I want the same thing

Compositor: Tom Fleming

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