Paris Paloma
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knitting song

Paris Paloma


The deft, agile fingers in firelight flicker
Skin laced in wrinkles that made needles sing
There, love is concreted with quietened breathing
Simple entwining of intimate string
It's a beautiful thing
At stockinged knees sitting
I watching, her knitting
Intent on her fixing my little hands' mess
She's sure she can save it, even with hands shaking
She had such a patience that I don't possess
I was such a small pest

Let us sit so quietly
In firelight I know you'd die for me
How gentle can our violence be
'Tween finger and thumb
I'm sorry I'm repetitive
Don't mind I keep forgetting it
So long as it's my thread, not the depths of your love

Two girls in their twenties, slowed down getting ready
As one said, "Please help me, for it's cold tonight"
In our undergarments, she passed me the scarf and
Said, "I never learned how to cast off right"
For a moment I swore that the light that I saw as
She handed the wool with a smile in the gloom
Was the firelight form from the glow I was taught in
On grandmother's hands in the cottage sitting room
Of course I'll cast off for you

Let us sit so quietly
In firelight I hope you'd die for me
How gentle can our violence be
'Tween finger and thumb
I'm sorry I'm repetitive
Don't mind you keep forgetting it
So long as it's your thread, not the depths of my love

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