Paris Paloma


Paris Paloma


I will break upon you
Like a wave upon a rock
I never burn bridges
I just laden them with locks
I'm a smothering lover

Under my love's weight it crumbles
Falls into the ravine
Alone you stand, an island
I'll fill the space between

Dearest ocean, do you get upset when
The cliffs don't come out to meet ya'?
Are you a people pleaser?
Darling moonbeam
Do you ever want to scream
When the sun runs before you can see her?
Are you a people pleaser?

I'd walk for twenty miles
I'd draw from empty wells
There is a river flowing right outside
The cabin where I dwell
I'd have plenty if you let me

Dearest ocean, do you get upset when
The cliffs don't come out to meet ya'?
Are you a people pleaser?
Darling moonbeam
Do you ever want to scream
When the sun runs before you can see her?
Are you a people pleaser?

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