Rare Americans

Got U

Rare Americans

Rare Americans 4: The Human Animal

To get through the toughest times
To get through the worst of nights
To see all the pretty sights
To find all the life-sides
To see where the world goes
To find all the unknowns
To help me stay strong
When the day is on

I remember feeling
I remember feeling
I remember feeling
I remember feeling so damn alone
I'm glad I got you
I'm glad I got—

To bottle the tragic
To find all the magic
To find a way past it
To have a good laugh with
To see where the world goes
To find all the unknowns
To help me stay strong
When the day's long
When the day's long

I'm glad I got you
I'm glad I got you
I'm glad I got—

I remember feeling
I remember feeling
I remember feeling
I remember feeling so damn alone

Compositores: Duran Ritz, James Priestner, Jan Cajka, Lubomir Ivan & Tim Randolph

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