his boat slides over the sea like sharp razor adrift, aimless just floating in deep water floating about with no control running over you even if you once told him your fears and when he needed gave him a hand and shelter and never distrusted a friend he's so in need of attention so! he keeps himself in evidence so everyone can notice him so he takes all those fake smiles and "hellos" like true gold medals as an acknowledgement of his social status he's still lost in his boat still being taken to the unknown by the strong wind and the cold draft running away, escaping from himself
patching the damage with rotten wood but these damages will always remain in your memories no matter how many times you change your route someday you'll wreck and find yourself as a castaway in a desert island only then, you'll have to face who you really are
and then you'll be ready and will be back to believe in yourself i'll follow the way can't change just like you can do but i'm trying my best to use my mind MY LIFE