After the falling that all had foreseen There was no denying The millions who vanished upon their demise For only a few a few would remain To restore their world from All that mankind decided to waste
Saying time waits for no one And no time won't wait 'Cause we are the chosen Destined to die
So in a massive crusade to seek out All the world's resourses A legion was formed in despite of denial Yet they were the ones the last of our race Chosen before this moment In waht would be called our final return
Saying time waits for no one And no time won't wait 'Cause we are the chosen Destined to die
And so through the eyes the eyes of the world As we see before us The questions for why have yet to be heard But someday may come and who knows by then There may be no answers For all that mankind eliminates
Saying time waits for no one And no time won't wait 'Cause we are the chosen Awaiting our time 'Cause we are the chosen Determined to rise