Apsu Tiamut Lahmu and laham Ansar and kisar Anu Nudimmud When on high the heaven, had not be named Firm ground below was unnamed Apsu Tiamut Lahmu and laham Ansar and kisar Anu Nudimmud When on high the heaven, had not be named Firm ground below was unnamed Mummu tiamat she who bore them Naught primordial apsu their begetter [chorus] And the earth has been done and the life has just begun And the formless void and darkness outdone And the water has been done and the sky raised up Separating the water the genesis goes on And the greater light has been done and the lesser light spun To rule the day and night together with the stars And the living creatures has been done And the sea monsters have born And everything that moves with which the waters swarm She made the worm the dragon The female monster the great lion The mad dog the man scorpion The howling storm
[chorus] And the greater light has been done And the lesser light spun To rule the day and night Together with the stars