Sabrina Carpenter
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Things I Wish You Said

Sabrina Carpenter

emails i can't send fwd:

"Baby, sorry I left you in the dark"
"I always reach for your leg over
there on your side of the car"
"Baby, everything reminds me of you"
"Nobody gets my jokes
everyone here thinks I'm fuckin' rude"

"When I saw you cry, I didn't handle it well"
"Without you here
I don't know what to do with myself"
I think about these things at night
before I fall asleep
Things I wish you said to me

Things like
"Darlin', I hope you know it scared me to death
The night that your sister
said that you got in an accident"
"And God, I, I'm watchin' everything that you do"
"I can't get your songs out of my head
or your hair out of my room"

"I saw you met somebody
and I'm jealous as hell
That I can't even stomach lovin' somebody else"
I think about these things at night
before I fall asleep
Things I wish you said to me

Ooh, ah

Sorry that I pulled the "it's not you, it's me"
One day, I'll make sure
you get a real apology
I waste my time, I waste my life
on idiotic things
Like things you never said
Things you'll never say to me

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