Shawn Mendes
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Isn't That Enough

Shawn Mendes

Sweet is the sun
Warm is the rain
June is the month
Free is the day

My hands still shaking
My mind's still racing
My heart's still breaking in two
I'm still changing
My friends stay patient
My mother still calls for the news

Isn't that enough?
Isn't that enough?
Isn't that enough?

Gone are the birds
Close are the tears
A house full of love
Space for your fears

My hands still shaking
My mind's still racing
My heart's still breaking in two
I'm still changing
My friends stay patient
My mother still calls for the news

Isn't that enough?
Isn't that enough?
Isn't that enough?

Compositores: Shawn Mendes, Amy Allen, Ethan Gruska, Mike Sabath, Nate Mercereau, Scott Harris

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