Sonata Arctica

Shah Mat

Sonata Arctica

Clear Cold Beyond

Temperature falls, soon the hills are frozen
The pawns and the noble alike must bow
The gates to the north availed in blue
Warm is the ring hidden in my hand

Turned has the flow and the sides are chosen
We've bent the rules 'till they all were broken
Bonfire warming the cooling hearts
The game we've played ain't over yet

So takе your time
As no one's gonna win tonight
You can see me in thе dark
Hidden on the lighter side, on frozen land
I will thrive, now make your move

While unfrozen, there is but one thing
You seem to make your own rules
Why my every move's a sacrifice
How to end this game without letting it go

Snow falls, the frozen leaves are left behind
Tattered on the mound
Every time we move one piece
We lose one way to a common ground

Walking away with a sense of reason
Feels like a victory, tastes like treason
We're in a stalemate you call a resolve
The easiest thing in the world, being difficult

Gone is the golden day
Clear the table for the new
Maybe you can write yourself the roles anew
And one day, someone lets you

Take your time
Maybe you will find your rhyme
And embrace light in your life
Queen of the dark, with me you're out of time
Out of time, this game, dead, futile

Compositor: Tony Kakko

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