Há um grupo de pássaros no céu
E alguns veados acabaram de passar correndo
A neve pura e branca na terra rica e marrom
Apenas outra manha de domingo na minha silenciosa cidade montanhosa
O sol brilha e a grama é verde
Abaixo dos três pés de neve quero dizer
Este é um dia em que é difícil usar um "frown"
Todas as pessoas alegres param para dar um "oi"
Mesmo que a temperatura estaja baixa
È uma manhã de domingo na minha silenciosa, pequena, cidade montanhosa
Que imagem de um garoto perfeito
Apenas como jesus, ele é suave e macio
Deu um sorriso enquanto usava a coroa de espinhos
Um anjo com um coração tão doce e certo
E uma mente tão pura e aberta
Obrigado deus por vivermos nessa silenciosa cidade montanhosa
Olhar para aqueles garotos frágeis
Isto realmente me derruba
O mundo é um lugar tão podre
E a vida na cidade é uma grande disgraça
É por isso que mudei para essa ingênua, silenciosa cidade montanhosa
Sair para o cinema nos devemos ir
Onde aprendemos tudo qe sabemos
Porque os filmes nos ensinam o que nossos pais não tem tempo de nos dizer
E este filme irá completar nossas vidas
Porque terrence e phillip são doces (super-doces)
Obrigado deus por vivermos nessa silenciosa ingenua, lixo branco...
Mountain Town
Mountain Town
Stan: Theres a bunch of birds in the sky
And some deers just went running by
Ohhh, the snows pure and white on the earth rich and brown
Just another sunday morning in my quiet mountain town
The sun is shining and the grass is green
Under the 3 feet of the snow mean
This is a day when its hard to wear a frooooown
All, the happy people stop to say hello!
Stranger: Get out of my way!
Stan: Even though the temperature is low
Its a perfect Sunday morning in my quiet little mountain town
Sharon: Well good morning Stan!
Stan: Mom, can I have eight dollars to see a movie?
Sharon: A movie? But I thought you were going ice skating...
Stan: But this is going to be the best movie ever! It's a foreign film
from Canada
Sharon: All right, all right; here you go, but be back for supper!
Stan: Thanks Mom!
Sharon: Oh what a picture perfect child
Just like Jesus, he's tender and mild
He'd a wear a smile while he wore a thorny croooooown
What an angel with a heart so sweet and sure
And a mind so open and pure
Thank god we live in this quiet redneck mountain town!
Stan: Hi, is your son home?
Ms. McCormick: I think so... HEY!!! (Stan: ow) Kenny, wake up... Kenny
dammit come on
Kenny: Im coming or Okaaay
Stan: Kenny the Terrance & Phillip movie is out, you wanna come?
Kenny: (something another)
Ms. McCormick: Where the hell do you think you're going?
Kenny: I'm going to see Terrance & Phillip
Ms. McCormick: You can't, you have to go to church!
Kenny; But Mom, I wanna see this movie!
Ms. McCormick: Well fine go ahead and miss church; and then when you
die and go to Hell you
can answer to Satan!
Kenny: OK!
Stan: You can see your breath hanging in the air
You see homeless people, but you just don't care
It's a sea of smiles inwhich we'd be glad to drown
Kenny: ( not sure )
Stan: That's right, its sunday morning in our quiet little white-bred
redneck mountain
Kyle: OK, Ike lets try this one more time
Ike: (cant tell)
Kyle: Kick the baby!
Ike: Don't kick the baby
Kyle: Kick the baby
Stan: Kyle, we're going to the Terrance & Phillip movie
Kyle: Oh my god dude!
Sheila: Kyle, what's going on?
Kyle: Nothing, we're going skating now
Sheila: Oh, well take your little brother out with you
Kyle: Aw mom, he's not even my real brother, he's adopted
Sheila: Do as I say Kyle!
Kyle: Ok, ok I'm sorry
Sheila: Look at those frail and fragile boys
It really gets me down
The world is such a rotten place
And city life's a complete disgrace
Thats why I moved to this redneck meshugannah quiet mountain town
Cartman: Mom, somebody's at the dooor
Mom, somebody's at the dooor, I said!
Liane: Coming hon...
Cartman: Ahh, I can't see the TV
Generic Reporter (could possibly be Creamy Goodness): It's been six weeks
since Saddam Hussiein was killed by a pack of wild boars and the worl d is
still glad to be rid of him
Liane: Oh Look Eric, it's your little friends
Ike: Buyman...
Cartman: What are you guys doing here? (sees movie ad) OH SWEET
Four boys: Off to the movies we shall go
Where we learn everything that we know
Cuz the movies teach us what our parents don't have time to say!!
And this movie's gonna make our lives comeplete!
Cuz Terrance & Phillip are sweeeeet (Cartman: Super sweet)
Thank God we live in a quiet little red-neck po-dunk white-trash
(Kenny mumble)
Stan: Can I have 5 tickets to Terrance & Phillip: Asses of fire please?
Clerk: No!
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