Sweet Mermaids
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Harbor Lights

Sweet Mermaids


For a long time I thought
That I should cry a little
Millions of times I repeated
To myself that nothing was okay

I still have your jacket stored away
It no longer has your scent to make me
Remember us, watching the
northern lights
But you so often became

Harbor lights, when I was lost
I always found my way through you
Harbor lights, you always lit me up
Harbor lights, Harbor lights

Harbor lights, Harbor lights

I won't sink this time
I learned to listen to myself
To learn from my mistakes
I will leave you here in this song
And I will always dream of you
With the zero gravity that makes me feel
Your boat still rocks with the waves
The best Xoxo were yours

Harbor lights, when I was lost
I always found my way through you
Harbor lights, you always

Compositor: Gabriel de Abreu

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