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Hero Of Eternity


In the silence of time, a light shone bright
In the dark void, His presence came to light
With an endless love that never fades away
He changed the world, and the heavens sang His praise

History was divided, before and after came
With His arrival, the universe proclaimed His name
Humanity found redemption's call
In the shadow of the cross, the light of grace for all

Oh Hero of Eternity, King of Heaven and Earth
Your name resounds, and all creation finds its worth
Dividing history, and granting us the victory
Jesus, our Savior, for all eternity!

From broken hearts, healing sprang anew
From life's desert, hope was born and grew
With pierced hands, He brought the victory
A love that transcends, boundless and free

History was divided, before and after came
With His arrival, the universe proclaimed His name
Humanity found redemption's call
In the shadow of the cross, the light of grace for all

Oh Hero of Eternity, King of Heaven and Earth
Your name resounds, and all creation finds its worth
Dividing history, and granting us the victory
Jesus, our Savior, for all eternity!

With Your sacrifice, eternity became new
The heavens bear witness, and the earth declares too
The Hero of the Cross, a victory so profound
Eternal love, the greatest treasure found

Oh Hero of Eternity, King of Heaven and Earth
Your name resounds, and all creation finds its worth
Dividing history, and granting us the victory
Jesus, our Savior, for all eternity!

In eternity, You are the shining light
The Hero eternal, love pure and bright
Our story, our song
In Your name, we find forgiveness all along

Compositor: To The Glory + T S Telles

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