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Reborn In Christ


Darkness wrapped around me
I got lost
In the shadows I couldn't see the end
But I found your strength inside of me
To fight, to rise again
I hear your voice in my heart
Feeling the fire of redemption
Now I know
In you I'll win
Nothing's gonna hold me back
I'm reborn in my heart
A new life rising high
The fire burns, my soul shines
In your grace and redemption
Every step
A new challenge
Walking in faith I'm not alone
Pain shakes me but it doesn't define
I'm stronger now
And you invincible
I hear your voice in my heart
Feeling the fire of redemption
Now I know
And you are waiting
Nothing's gonna hold me back
I'm reborn and caught in Christ
A new life rising high
The fire burns, my soul shines
In your grace and redemption
Every step, a new challenge
Walking in faith, I'm not alone
Pain shakes me, but it doesn't define
I'm stronger now, and you invincible
Every step, a new challenge
Walking in faith, I'm not alone
Pain shakes me, but it doesn't define
I'm stronger now, and you invincible
I hear your voice in my heart
Feeling the fire of redemption
Now I know in you I will win
Nothing's gonna hold me back
I'm reborn in Christ
A new life rising high
The fire burned my soul shines
In your grace and redemption
Skies tell stories of salvation
A rebirth, a transformation
From chaos I rose, found your way
Now I'm free, you are my destiny
Final destiny
Final born in Christ
A new life rising high
The fire burns, my soul shines
In your grace and redemption
And as the night falls, I remain
A beacon of hope, reborn unscathed
Nothing can stop me, you are the flame
Heading to infinity, my spirit proclaims

Compositor: To The Glory + T S Telles

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