The Linda Lindas


The Linda Lindas

Growing Up

If I was invisible
No one would judge me for wanting to be by myself
But I'm already invisible enough
Without anybody else's help

If I could go back in time
And just change that one thing
Maybe now I'd be different
But part of me would always be missing

What if magic was real?
What if magic revealed?
Something nobody would ever
Wish upon themselves or anybody else
Maybe reality is better

If I could just read your mind
I might finally know just how you feel
But what if there's something I find
And what if that something's way too real?

What if I could soar and fly
Above all my problems and mistakes
'Cause then time would just pass me by
And I'd feel too far away

What if magic was real?
What if magic revealed?
Something nobody would ever
Wish upon themselves or anybody else
Maybe reality is better
(Ah ah ah)
(Oh oh oh)
(Ah ah ah)

What if magic was real?
What if magic revealed?
What if magic was real?
What if magic revealed?

Something nobody would ever
Wish upon themselves or anybody else
Maybe reality is better
What if magic was real?
What if magic revealed?
Something nobody would ever
Wish upon themselves or anybody else
Maybe reality is better

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