Well i hope you don't mind me writing this song Even though i know i don't know you all that long But ever since i met you And you've been by my side I want you more each time
And i hope i don't come across as some kind of fool Swinging your sunshine right over the moon And every time i look at you and see you smile I want you more each time
Well i know, i know i'm just a love sick fool And you're not really sure But, i know, i know, i want you more and more
Well i hope that you don't think That you're gonna break my heart I've been picking up pieces right from the start And i know that i may not be the toughest of guys But i want you more and more each time
I know i'm just some kind of love sick fool And you're not really sure'
Well i could hear you talk for days upon days Where you'll always find something even more random to say And i know that we're supposed to be friends But i'll just pretend That you'll want me more each time