The Oath
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Silk Road

The Oath

The Oath

Electric neuro wires
I feel my nerves on fire
Connected past the waves of real time
Prime lines

Silver needles shining
I see the stars aligning
Sailing on a sea to the unknown
Soul bones

You might as well leave me for dead
I got a universe right in my head
Gone forever
Silk road
Everything I ever needed to say
Dissolved to dust and (then) went away
Now and forever
Silk road

Sudden new perspectives
Confusion turns effective
Roars and ties are starting to break
Soul shake

My vision's clear as water
That I'm nobody's daughter
And I move on earth with sweet wine
In my blood line

You might as well leave me for dead
I got a universe right in my head
Gone forever
Silk road
Everything I ever needed to say
Dissolved to dust and (then) went away
Now and forever
Silk road

I wandered alone through the darkest
Of valleys
Like a ghost in the night
I see you before me
I wandered through darkest of times
Like a ghost in the night
You vanished right before of my eyes

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