Chorus: In my robe of white, I will fly away To that land so fair, meet my Jesus there It will be so grand when I get to that land In my robe of white, I will fly away
First I'll hear the trumpet sound All the saints will be heaven bound We will cross over Jordan wide Stop and view the other side There I'll see those holy hills And my mansion He has built I'll be the first one in the line Gonna see my name in the Book of Life
Repeat Chorus
It's gonna be a wonderful time When I get to the other side See my loved ones gone before We'll depart never more We'll be walking on streets of gold Surrounded by riches untold When I first look upon His face I'll be safe in His amazing grace
Repeat Chorus
I'll fly away
Repeat Chorus (with stepouts)
In my robe of white, I will fly away (I will fly away)