"i will take thee from my furnace Thou art but a little frightened Thou shalt be a mighty power Thou shalt slay the best of heroes Thou shalt wound thy dearest brothers"
Somehow deceived The forger of the sky The forger of the moon To fulfill a quest That would end More later than soon
I was home but still i was lost As my time stand still,forever And eternal rest,i woun't have Never
(chorus) My quest for perfection The purpose of my immortal life To complete my heart,as last To give a meaning to this endless fight
Old vÀinÀmöinen was right End justifies the means So for 4 days i ventured without results A crossbow,it would kill A ship,it would sink A cow,it would bleed A plow,it would destroy
Coujuring the winds of the north For 3 everlasting days they blow And my work was done,the sampo Was born
No good deed goes unpunished As i lost everything So close to the end To home now i roam Alone, and soon to be Forgotten
"when all hope is lost we're nothing more than A body waiting to be thrown away and fade slowly In the wind"