White garments like snow She sleeps in her nupcial room as been in her tomb Waiting and dreams for her bridegroom To come to awake from the curse of sleepf of death.
She should to decorate the garden where was gave of gift She should to happy the hearts of living creature on the land But she slept in her death stream bed Because her sin are her death, and her death came from her silence.
Awake! Arise! Sleeping Beauty In Sodom! Awake! Arise! While you slept Sodom cry!
Yours dreams never will turn to real Without you awake and stand up to fight! The Sodom city claims for a new dawn Are you wait the brimstone and fire came tonight?
Your white dress just can save yourself? Your heart are wax, flesh or stone? Tomorrow all will perish in Sodom again!!!
Awake! Arise! Sleeping Beauty In Sodom! Awake! Arise! While you slept Sodom cry!
Only darkness loves a princess in her tomb. Don't waste your chance to come back to live! Awake from your curse of sleep of death!!!