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How Damage Is Your Life


For Us

Hate-filled flame
If you say something disallowed
Someone to be blamed
By the judgment of the crowd

Led by social king
Greatest empire of modern times
He made his own wing
To flee when accused of crimes

Easy to believe
Just swipe up and you belong
And then you perceive
Influencers' promises are gone

Hear the money talks
Dreams that you can't force
Now it bills and mocks
The course became a curse

So take what you wanna take
And Face what you wanna face
One more for the herd
He knows what you're doing

So hear what you wanna hear
it's never been so clear
Too late to realize
How damaged is your life

Hate-filled flame
If you say something disallowed
Someone to be blamed
By the judgment of the crowd

Led by social king
Greatest empire of modern times
He made his own wing
To flee when accused of crimes

"Heresim detestabilem sectatus fuerit
Ad perpetuum ignem condemnandum decernimus"

So take what you wanna take
And Face what you wanna face
One more for the herd
He knows what you're doing

So hear what you wanna hear
it's never been so clear
Too late to realize
How damaged is your life

Compositor: Guilherme Matheus Silva Araujo

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