Willie Nelson
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You Ought to Hear Me Cry

Willie Nelson

All Time Greatest Hits - Vol. 1

If you think I laugh louder than anyone here
If you think that my volume's too high
If you think I laugh louder, you ain't heard nothin' yet
You ought to hear me cry

If you think I talk louder than maybe I should
Well, I guess I'm just that kind of guy
But if I talk loud and laugh loud you ain't heard it all
You ought to hear me cry

I go home to a home, where love's almost gone
Not enough to fill one needle's eye
Then I sit down in a corner and I turn on the tears
And you ought to hear me cry

I go home to a home, where love's almost gone
Not enough to fill one needle's eye
Then I sit down in a corner and I turn on the tears
And you ought to hear me cry
And you ought to hear me cry


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