


The voice inside the suit came crawling
through the telephone
Somewhere between a chessboard and a nursery rhyme
I heard the rattlesnake shaking in his invitation
And the whites of his knuckles on the other end of the line

Midas yeah
Midas lalalalalala
Midas yeah

Stepped inside his office
and the whole place seemed to shiver
He said “Come a little closer, boy
Come on don't be shy”
I searched to find the fracture in his tombstone facelift
And he fixed me with the coldness of the kingdom in his eyes

Midas yeah
Midas lalalalalala
Midas yeah

He said: Come on, kid
You think we got a deal, yeah?
Threw his head back like a pelican
and straightened his tie hahaha
Stop that man, you're making me kinda nervous
And with a click of his silvered fingers
I was falling through the sky

Midas yeah
Midas lalalalalala
Midas yeah


Compositores: Harry Fowler, Jacob Slater, Jamie Staples, Peter Woodin

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