Alec Benjamin
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If Shakespeare Were Here

Alec Benjamin

12 Notes

Romeo swallowed the poison
And Juliet found him without any air
So tragic, the story, dramatic and glory
With beauty amidst such despair

But there's nothing graceful about you and me
There's no dignified ending, just hate and deceit
And suffering too
From losing you

If there's art in every heartbreak
Where's the beauty in my pain?
Where's the movie with the ending
Where I find true love again?
If there's art in every heartbreak
If there's beauty in my pain
Then why can't I find it, the meaning behind it?
If Shakespeare were here, I wonder what he'd say

Maybe he'd force me to swallow the poison
And say he can't save me, it's too late for choices
No love to rejoice in
And, under my breath, I'd say

"There's nothing graceful about you and me
There's no dignified ending, just hate and deceit
And suffering too
From losing you"

If there's art in every heartbreak
Where's the beauty in my pain?
Where's the movie with the ending
Where I find true love again?
If there's art in every heartbreak
If there's beauty in my pain
Then why can't I find it, the meaning behind it?
If Shakespeare were here, I wonder what he'd say

Maybe he could find a way to help us save the spark
Maybe write a new redemption arc
Take our story back to the start
Maybe he could find a way to make it beautiful
Find a way to make this beautiful
Maybe I could find a way to make this beautiful

If there's art in every heartbreak
Where's the beauty in my pain?
Where's the movie with the ending
Where I find true love again?
If there's art in every heartbreak
If there's beauty in my pain
Then why can't I find it, the meaning behind it?
If Shakespeare were here, I wonder what he'd say

Compositores: Alec Benjamin, Cleo Tighe & Noah Conrad

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