Have you ever been touched by life
Do you know what it means: survive
Have you ever been killed by drugs
Or do you stand your life, it sucks
Ask yourself, who you are
Is it right to give time away
Are you right, will you go or stay
Does this life fill your thousand dreams
Is this life to you what it seems
Ask yourself, who you are
Do you know where you stand
On this world you were sent
You're to form your own aim
Higher mountains to tame
Are there answers you're searchin' for
Have you problems that you ignore
Don't you solve them like real men do
Don't you face them you frightened fool
Ask yourself
Who you are
Can you answer the questions, now
Sense of life, well ever how
Open doors that seem locked for you
You burn, it means you broke the rule
Ask yourseld
Who you are
Do you know where you stand
On this world you were sent
You're to form your own aim
Higher mountains to tame
Hunt yourself 'till you're through
All the world has to do
You see what is you... do it or not
You have money and chance
When you've not you have trance
This point comes to defense... do it or not
Be yourself, kick your soul
This is your life, your role
You won't fall in a whole... do it or not
Do you know where you stand
On this world you were sent
You're to form your own aim
Higher mountains to tame