Verse one
King of Kings, Lord of Lords
Conquering Lion of Judah
Prince of Peace, Son of God
He's Earth's Righteous Ruler
He has the Name above every name
That I'm not afraid of
And so I'm telling you that I am not ashamed
Ashamed of Jesus (Oh no-o-o-o)
I'm not ashamed
I'm not asha-a-amed
To call upon Jesus' name
He has the name above every name
So I'm not ashamed
Him a the King of Kings
And Lord of Lords
Conquering Lion
Of the Tribe of Judah
Alpha and Omega
the Beginning and the End
My God, Messiah
And Him a mi Best Friend
Lion and the Lamb
The great I Am
Light of the World
He's the Son of man
Author and Finisher of my faith
Chief cornerstone
He's the only Way
Him have the Name above every name (Phil 2: 9)
That I'm not afraid to say
And so me telling you that I am not ashamed--I'm not ashamed of Jesus
Yes there is power in the name
There's power in the name of Jesus
Jesus, Jesus
Power in the name of Jesus
Jesus Christ our Lord
Well Christ is above all
Rule and authority
Power and dominion
And every title
Ever to be given
Not just in the present age
But also in the one to come
So God placed everything
At His feet
And appointed Him
To rule everything
As the Head of the church
Which is His body
And the fullness of Him there-within (Eph 1: 21-23)
He has the Name above every name
No, I'm not afraid to say
And so I'll call upon Jesus' name
Each and every day
There is healing in the name of Jesus
Jesus, sweet Jesus
Forgiveness in the name of Jesus, Jesus Christ our Lord
I'm not ashamed
No I'm not ashamed
(Verse one)
He is the Name above every name
That I'm not afraid to say
And so me telling you
Don't ever be ashamed, ashamed of Jesus