They're all fleas under the carpet...stepped on by the boots of time clinging to their own fanaticisms...their systems always in line racial slurs spoken in his mind... so much clouding up simplicity justified by reading between the lines.. history says "repeat after me"
take you apart and make you right trade you answers for your own sight cuz death is better than heresy so hallelujah, follow me
you wear a tyrants symbols joyfully...let us be enslaved and you long for freedoms execution...but you'll die saying jesus saves spoken like a true soldier, how noble their persecution... if its done in the name of good intention, whats onde more slash of the constitution?
why dont you follow me is there any hope for a world that insists on bliding itself? and if you give your self away then what's left to fear in your hell?
take you apart and make you right trade you answers for your own sight cuz death is better than heresy so hallelujah, follow me