Dark Tranquillity
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Silence as a Force

Dark Tranquillity


Weak within the margins
Of pressure and of time
Rhetoric and language show
Age beyond our years

What inside our failings
Has led us to this point
Left a plan untethetered
To ridicule and scorn

Walk into the fire
Walk into the storm
Face the wanton ignorance
With silence as a force

Walk into the fire
Walk into the storm
Face the wanton ignorance
With silence as a force

It runs deep
In the evermore eccentric circles
Stay in the apogee
Further from than closer to the

Uninformed impatient
Ever closing restless mind
Uninformed impatient
Pace the halts

Walk into the fire
Walk into the storm
Face the wanton ignorance
With silence as a force

Walk into the fire
Walk into the storm
Face the wanton ignorance
With silence as a force

We are a force of resistance
A show of true intention
Give it time behind the one-way reflection
A view still in the dark

Walk into the fire
Walk into the storm
Face the wanton ignorance
With silence as a force
Walk into the fire
Walk into the storm
Face the wanton ignorance
With silence as a force

Compositor: Anders Jivarp & Mikael Stanne

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