Forget me if you can This I understand too well A fail to make you mine Heart attack and lime taste good A thousand broken hearts Littering your path through here Tell me that you lied Say you never think of me
But tonight before you sleep There will be a you and me And I hope I'm on your mind When you wake. Oh
Its worn away in time The fingerprints on mine still show This chance as good as blown Don't want to be alone, tonight
A thousand broken hearts Littering your path through here Oh its so beautiful and sad Need for nothing but I want you bad
But tonight before you sleep There will be a you and me And I hope I'm on your mind when you wake, oh
When you wake, oh anything at all Will you say the word oh will you give me anything at all tonight
The sun will burn the sea You'll waste yourself on me, tonight.
And tonight before you sleep There will be a you and me And I hope I'm on your mind When you wake.