Here’s a story from North America
Daddy Daddy Daddy hurry
I saw something scurry
Son what’s all this screaming for ?
You’re gonna wake the neighbors next door
Daddy I think there’s a spider on my floor
Is it?
And will you squish it?
You call me in here in the middle of the night
To come into your room and destroy life?
Is that what they teach you in Sunday School?
But Daddy its gross, it’s got a million legs
A billion eyes and a trillion eggs
Son its not disgusting its just reality
Take a deep breath and appreciate life
Look how delicate his legs are crawling across your bedroom floor
Do you know the proper name?
Arachnid! That’s right
We’re living in a world that’s full of creatures
Big and small
Hairy and slimy
You’re not the center of the world
How would you feel if a giant hand came out of the sky and decided to crush you?
I guess I’d be scared but Daddy
What if the spider hurts me?
He didn’t hurt you yet, did he son?
Your logic is flawed and you come undone
Swallow your pride
What if the spider said the same thing:
- Daddy Daddy, kill that kid.
That’s the point Dad, what if he did?
That’s why
I have to strike first.
What if he did? What if he didn’t?
What if the world was made of pudding?
All I’m saying is consider something besides your
Thirst for blood
Dad you’re right
Now I see
He’s got a family
Now you’re learning, understanding
Finally you’re becoming human
Let’s return him to his natural habitat
Put him in a cup and take him outside