Goldie Boutilier

I Know

Goldie Boutilier


I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know
I fucked up and I'm sorry
I know, I know I said some things before and
You know that I'm sorry
It's none of my business
Already know how you've been
You put it on display and I
I know who you're fuckin', you ain't tryna hide it
We'll never be friends cause I ain't that kind

Eye on the moon feet on the ground
I had a heart but you let it down
Eye on the moon feet on the ground
I had a heart but you let it down

Lets just move on
Better if I never see your face again
Lets just move on
Hey, hey, hey
Again (Again, again)

I know, I know, I know, I know, I know
I told you not to worry
But we were, growing up, yeah
And the road gets rough
I love you, but I'm sorry

Eye on the moon feet on the ground
I had a heart but you let it down
Eye on the moon feet on the ground
I had a heart but you let it down

Lets just move on
Better if I never see your face again
Lets just move on
Hey, hey, hey
Again (Again, again)

Lets just move on
Better if I never see your face again
Lets just move on
Hey, hey, hey
Again (Again, again)
Lets just move on
Better if I never see your face again
Lets just move on
Hey, hey, hey
Again (Again, again)

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Whoa, I know
Whoa, strikeout slow
Whoa, I know
I know, I know

Compositor: Guillaume Doubet (Producer) & Goldie Boutilier

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