Guided By Voices
Página inicial > Indie > G > Guided By Voices > Bottoms Up! (You Fantastic Bastard)

Bottoms Up! (You Fantastic Bastard)

Guided By Voices

It's time to kiss the genius
It's time to break the spell
There's a one out of three chance
There's a pleasure banging my bell

I'm in the soft pink luxury tunnel
??? big time evil grip
There's a clown crazed ???
Sugar I got the whip

I've got a pocket full of friggin' loose change
I've got a stick shift booby trap
I wanna push it too far
I wanna re-route your map
Fantastic moments of grandeur
Ironic seasons of crust
I'm with the disco police
You're getting back on the bus...

Compositores: Robert Ellsworth Pollard Jr, Daniel Joseph Toohey, Tobin Sprout (Toby Sprout)
ECAD: Obra #37720366

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