You must believe
This is simply my life
Let me live it
You must understand it
This is the route you step
To get there
This is truly unique
My life is saved
Pieces of paper
When they are together
Make up a story
They need were together forever
They are my stories, my way of life
This is truly unique to me
You need to know about the truth
See around you and think
You should know who your true friends
If they trust you
If you trust them
Notice everything that happens
Try to believe the truth
Do not call the lie
This is truly unique
My life is saved
Pieces of paper
When they are together
Make up a story
They need were together forever
They are my stories, my way of life
This is truly unique to me
[Ana Beatriz]
Many people will walk in and out of your life
But only true friends
They left footprints in your heart
To handle yourself use your head
To deal like the others, use your heart
Anger is only one letter short of danger
Our circle of friends
And like a circle that has no beginning and no end
Friendship truths are forever
It may be that one day we move away
But if we are true friends
Friendship in the re-draw near
The important friendship is not knowing friend
This is truly unique
My life is saved
Pieces of paper
When they are together
Make up a story
Make up a story
Make up a story