Carry your cross
Your heaviest burden
The sin that you brought
The mark of impurity
Dignity taken off
Your honor ripped out
Forsaken by who
you used to cry
No saints will listen when you die
Forbidden (Sanctus)
Beneath your crown (Dominus)
Denied your inheritance (Divnum)
Ride the gods (Profana)
Wipe the tears off your eyes
To See what there is in your mind
They'll never see as we see
The truth we always denied
When he opened the seventh seal
To reveal the original sin
We raise our stolen pyre
And shout out for our fire
Forbidden (Sanctus)
Beneath your crown (Dominus)
Denied inheritance (Divnum)
Ride the gods (Profana)
Wear your crown
Walk on the sun
Exude decay
As above so Below
Reborn you shall claim your throne
Raise thou majestuous horns
Take a step right through beyond
To the Eternal glory
Our gift is our sin
Erect the apostasy
Shout out the mockery
What a piece of work is a man!
How like an Angel
How like a God
A divine was designed by men
The gods always looked at us with envy
Appall to control and domain
Coveting to live in our fancy
A divine was designed by men