CD: Between earth and sky.
It was just around Easter time a couple years ago and my son Samuel came into my worship room and he said to me: “Daddy I want to sing this song, I want to write this song about Jesus.” And I said alright Samuel lets do it. So he said “You sit over there and I will sit on the couch.” And he had his little guitar. And he had me get my guitar. I had a pen and a paper out. And I said “what do you want to say to Jesus?” and he said I want to say “Hey Jesus”, so I just wrote down Hey Jesus. And then I asked, what are you going to say after you say hey Jesus? And he said “are you still on the cross, or are you feeling better? And if you are feeling better, will you come down and play with me?” So I said “huh” (gasping).
The song starts: Won’t you come down, down, down, down to the ground.
He had the guitar half-way over his head I remember. Laying on the couch at the time with his thumb in his mouth and he took his thumb out of his mouth about half-way and said “yeah daddy I like that.” Then he looked at me and said “to the next to me place”.
To the next to me place with a smile on my face and a song in my ear.
And he said “yeah daddy”
Around and around and around and around and around we go. (3x)
Hey Jesus, when I wave at you, do you wave back too?
Hey Jesus, when I’m feeling sad, do you feel sad too?
Won’t you come down, down, down, to the ground?
To the next to me place with a smile on my face and a song in my ear
Around and around and around and around and around we go…
I will never forget this. He looked up at the tallest part of my bookcase, up at the top, he stood up on the couch and he pointed at the top of my bookshelf where I have all my theology books and he said: “Daddy, if we throw toys at those books do you think they will come alive?” And I heard him but I wanted him to say it again and I said “what did you say Samuel?” he said “Daddy do you think if we throw those books, do you think they will fly?” and then he said “Daddy throw me up into the sky, I will touch the moon!”
And I said “oh yeah” God had suddenly started to teach me what he wanted to teach me through Samuel that day, He started to teach me about revelation. And then “you come down, down, down, down to the ground, to the next to me place” which’s always in the arms of Jesus “with a smile on my face and a song in my ear”
Take us way beyond religion, way beyond the minds of man, way beyond thinking. Help us to receive, help us to receive your love. Help us to receive, help us to receive your joy. Help us to receive, help us to receive your peace. Help us to receive, help us to receive reality in time, eternity time…
Into the sky
Hey Jesus, are you still on the cross
or are you feeling better?
Hey Jesus, will you come play with me?
I’m ready and willing.
Won't you come down, down, down, down to the ground?
To the next to me place
with a smile on my face
and a song in my ear
and around
and around
and around
and around we go
Hey Jesus, when I wave at you
do you wave back too?
Hey Jesus, when I'm feeling sad
do you feel sad too?
Hey Jesus, if we throw these books
do you think they will fly?
Hey Jesus, can I touch the moon?
Throw me into the sky
Into the sea
Into the sea
Around and around
Around and around
Around we go...