Weaknesses… weaknesses weaknesses I hide promising promising is kind she calls for help calls for help out loud
soft perversion it was just a lie love devotion was a state of mind she calls for help calls for help out loud
Alone in this enclosure in my mind Tripping and the way out I can’t find I call for help call for help out loud
Love perversion was it just a lie Soft devotion Nothing of the kind call for help call for help
the parts you take you will brake it's glass in your hands the promises I make I will brake it's glass in my hands too with the parts you broke you will choke hearts from glued parts with the promises I brake I will make hearts from glued parts too
it's different to me now that you're free that you're free don't know if you brake Or separate I’m willing to forgive the truth I know I won't go far from your hand and if I leave I won't deceive believe me I’m courteous