Out on the bus, looking at the reflection Of all these cowboyhats in the window, well Really makes me laugh Smile at the desert, the desert is lonely You can tell it by the curves and the shapes Long distance phone booth and I wanted to call you And tell you I love you but I would have sounded like Stevie Wonder And I wasn't looking for that Nobody speaks English and the driver's suicidal I doubt we gonna make it I really doubt it My face is just glowing The sun must have burned it harder than I thought Bus stop again, get myself a drink, smoke a cigarette And we are back on our way Smile at the windowpane, darkness has fallen And my face looks kinda red Transport is progress and its nice to know That a thousand miles away There is someone you love Smile and hum at the small speaker Shooting of the music Fucked up camp I wanna go to the ocean like fish to the water Its the ride that counts Transport is progress