Shine happy with new colors
We can fly over the universe
My dreams are blue
As blue as his eyes
Baby, I can't see you
I can only touch you
I keep repeat, repeat, repeat
Just listen's song is about you
The stars we wandered slowly
Twinkle like christmas lights
My universe is yours and yours is mine
The blue sky, we're the kings of there
You're not drugs
But I'm addicted to you
You and I forever
I'm just in love
That feeling is very good
The blue sky, white clouds
and the huge galaxy are just our
Just listen to what I have to tell you
You holding our flying cloud
Raindrops by our faces
Nothing is better than your love
I'm just in love
We don't have direction tonight
We are not drug addicts
We're just in love
You to me
I to you
We understand each other like nobody's business
Look at the stars shone
We walk around
In embracing and kissing
You and I are the kings of everything
Baby, don't look for drugs
Just look for our love
We can go anywhere we want
Nobody sends qui
Just us
The blue sky, white clouds
and the huge galaxy are just our
Just listen to what I have to tell you
You holding our flying cloud
Raindrops by our faces
Nothing is better than your love
I'm just in love
You're perfect for me
Baby, please don't look at the drugs
Just look for our love
Into space writing our names
The clouds are calling us to heaven
The blue sky, white clouds
and the huge galaxy are just our
Just listen to what I have to tell you
You holding our flying cloud
Raindrops by our faces
Nothing is better than your love
I'm just in love