Fame à la mode, flash bulbs explose
All the electronic circuits overload
When you are the show
The you know the show must go on
Hitting the road salaries owed
I'm responsible for shouldering the load
When you are the show
Then you know the show must go on
Drag closet queen wearing crushed velveteen
Can't someone slow down the machine
Too much cafeine, had too much nicotine
Someone slow down the machine
I'm longing for spaaaace, longing for tiiiime
Why can't folk's just say what they mean ?
Why can't this ever loving life for leading ever feel clean ?
Slow down the machine
I really need so bad to unwind
I really need to rest my mind
Velvet stockade, spiked lemonade
Fifty magazine reporters to persuade
When you are the show
The you know the show must go on
Making the grade not getting paid
I'm reheasing for a tickertape parade
When you are the show
Then you know must go on
Gotta get a scene
Chippy, chip chip scene star trippers dream
Please slow down the machine
Trippy, cream limousine, black and blue screen
I'm longing for space, longing for time
Why can't folk's just say what they mean ?
Why can't this ever loving life for leading ever feel clean ?
Slow down the machine
I really need so bad to unwind
I really need to rest my mind