Mina Okabe

Shut Up

Mina Okabe

Spinning Around

Do you know what I thought of you?
Before I got to know you better
My type was far from you

But now it doesn't matter (Oh, oh-oh)
I wanna talk for hours every day
Music was so much sadder (Oh, oh-oh)
Before I let you in, mm-mm

I wish that I could shut up about you
'Cause I know I'd have hated what I do
So, I'd drive the shit away but no, you
Just leave my head spinning, and spinning, and spinning

My friends used to do what I do
Have the same conversations
About some guys they knew

I would complain about it (Oh, oh-oh)
'Cause at the start, I'd listen and invest
But when they got dramatic (Oh, oh-oh)
I told myself, "Don't end up like them"

I wish that I could shut up about you
'Cause I know I'd have hated what I do
So, I'd drive the shit away but no, you
Just leave my head spinning around, and around
If only I could shut up about you
'Cause I know I'd have hated what I do
So, I'd drive the shit away but no, you
Just leave my head spinning, and spinning, and spinning

Honestly, I can't really believe it, taken by surprise
When I say it, say it, say it, say it, say it
Nobody can believe it, taken by surprise
When I say it, say it, say it, say it

I wish that I could shut up about you
'Cause I know I'd have hated what I do
So, I'd drive the shit away but no, you
Just leave my head spinning, and spinning, and spinning

(I can't really believe it, taken by surprise)
(When I say it, say it, say it, say it, say it)
(Nobody can believe it, taken by surprise)
(When I say it, say it, say it, say it)

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