Depressive, impulsive, naive-
With no apparent reason
Lunatic, electric, spastic -
Your hate explodes suddenly
You lied to me,
you fooled me while we were still living together
You were already far away
You found dudes to get you off,
You wanted revenge, you got it
and also the instability you feared
I don't think you like yourself either
Think about me, like me, think about me,
Living for nothing
Be like me, think about me,
Living for nothing
True suffering lined with betrayal and humiliation!
I leave you in your own world with your problems of respect,
Of harmony with your body and soul!
A relationship full of fights!
We were not compatible,
you kept being narrow-minded,
It's my words against hers,
hearing just what you want to hear!
I'm just the story of nothing
And I'm really down in the dumps
Think about me, like me, think about me,
Living for nothing
Be like me, think about me,
Living for nothing
Depressive, impulsive, naive-
Lunatic, electric, spastic-
Try seeing things my way!
Think about me, like me, think about me,
Living for nothing
Be like me, think about me,
Living for nothing